Are you unsatisfied with the results of your processes?
Are you looking for a magic wand that will help you reduce your costs and also help you to achieve your results quickly?
Then Kaizen Blitz might be the success mantra you are looking for.
KAIZEN is a word of Japanese origin which literally means to modify(kai) something to make it better(zen).A Kaizen event or kaizen blitz is a fixated effort to "take a leap".A kaizen blitz is a three to five days workshop which is aimed at improving a process by a thorough analysis followed by required designing and re-arrangement. Kaizen events are generally implemented to swiftly streamline processes or develop setups or workcells to produce immediate and satisfactory results.
What is a kaizen event and how is it implemented?
A kaizen event is guided by two most important imperatives which are namely constant improvement and elimination of waste at every step. At a Kaizen event small teams of cross-functional members are created who work upon these imperatives for a few days and analyze the following aspects of improvement :To find out the areas of waste and identify opportunities. Ask questions like why ? at every step of the process. Find out ways for waste elimination. Iteratively implementing solutions which are determined at each step.
Based on above guidelines kaizen blitz generally includes the following activities:Training, Defining the goals/problems, Recording the current state, Developing goals by rigorous brainstorming, Implementation, Developing a complementary plan, Result presentation, Celebrating the success of kaizen implementation
What are the benefits of implementing kaizen blitz?
Where there is a clear opportunity to define and implement a kaizen blitz event it can yield quick, measurable and significant changes. They can be effectively used to successfully reduce waste, cost and time taken and to design a new customer-intensive processes. They can be efficaciously used in the public sector, in manufacturing processes and in service organizations.